
Economic Support

Financial assistance opportunities for community members to meet their basic needs and expand their ability to thrive.

San Geronimo Valley and Nicasio Senior Cash Financial Assistance

The purpose of our cash financial assistance program for seniors aged 60 and above is to alleviate the sustained hardships endured as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This program adopts a guaranteed cash assistance model, providing much-needed financial support for a duration of six months. By implementing this targeted support, we aim to enhance the financial security of seniors, fostering resilience and stability as they navigate the lingering economic repercussions of the pandemic.

This program reflects our commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by seniors, recognizing their invaluable contributions to society, and promoting their well-being during this unprecedented period.

Contact Julie Young for more information.

Fill out the application here.

Dave Cort College Scholarship

The San Geronimo Valley Community Center is launching the Dave Cort College Scholarship to acknowledge Dave Cort’s 32 years of community service as the Executive Director of the San Geronimo Valley Community Center. In his career, Dave embodied the values of generosity, service, community, and collaboration. Dave supported the expanded educational opportunities in the San Geronimo and Nicasio Valleys through 0-5 early education programs, licensed child care, afterschool enrichment, and life-long learning opportunities for all ages. Dave is a demonstration of how one person can change a community, and this scholarship aims to support a college student who is pursuing higher education and embodies the same values and commitment that Dave had for so many years. This scholarship is generously supported by the Jolson Family Foundation.

Submit applications to Alexa Davidson at

Learn more about Dave Cort here